Network Music Festival

Sound without Borders // 15-18th July 2020

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Royal Laptop Squad // Queen of the Beats

In this live coded algorave performance we, the illustrious Elizabeat per Second, by the Grace of Code of the Disunited Kingdom of Great Breakbeat and Northern Algoland and of Her other Realms and Territories Quing, Head of the Commontime, Defender of the Rave, will exhibit our immense power and prestige, including the divine right to be loudest.

Any rebellion, sedition, or imprecise muttering against the Krown is an act of treason. The Krowd is asked politely to desist from shouting ‘Down With the Monarchy’ at any point during the show. They should instead make some shapes and pay homage to our imperial algoravethms.

Elizabeat per Second, by the Grace of Code of the Disunited Kingdom of Great Breakbeat and Northern Algoland and of Her other Realms and Territories Quing, Head of the Commontime, Defender of the Rave, has been making algorithmic music since her ascension to the computer in 1952.